Wednesday, October 18, 2023

 Blog Post #10: Age of AI

    Lets start from the beginning, what is AI? According to Tech Target, the term AI, coined in the 1950s, refers to the simulation of human intelligence by machines. While Artificial Intelligence has been around for decades the use of AI has skyrocketed in the past few years and surrounds us in our everyday lives. 

"About 50% of jobs will be threatened by Artificial Intelligence within the next 50 years" this was the first quote that was said during this film. This concerning statistic left a big impression on me because I go through my everyday life hearing about AI but it doesn't set in how scary it actually is until you hear a real life statistic. These robots are taking over our jobs and then what is next? I walked into a restaurant the other day and a robot brought out my food, not a waiter. It is shocking how quickly this is happening all around us.

    While AI is quickly taking over at a concerning rate there is no doubt that there can be positive outcomes from it as well. For example, there is a game in China by the name Go. Many people believed that there was no way a human would loose to AI, but after five rounds of playing AlphaGO the AI took the win four out of the five games. The main reason for this was that the computer can come up with different approaches to the game that human would never think of. It is impressive and a positive outcome of AI when you use it to learn new things even if the medical world. AI has made major steps to help detecting breast cancer early on. 

    The most concerning thing to me is Google. The constant surveillance and data collecting causes us to feel worried with where the future will go. Not only are we dealing with our search history being saved but also people bring new technology, like GoogleHome, into their homes to listen in on every single thing they say. 

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