Monday, September 25, 2023

 Blog Post #5: EOTO Review

    Instead on focusing in on one specific technological advancement, I decided to look at Group 4 as a whole and write a little blurb on three of their technology that was mentioned. 

    To begin, Netflix, a streaming service that started in 2003. This was created by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a DVD rental service and has sky rocketed since. While it was started in 2003, as I said it only focused on rentals until 2007 which is when the company turned into a movie and TV streaming service. Now Netflix is making more than any other streaming companies. In the year 2021 it was showing that Netflix had roughly 200 million members and now in 2023 they are up to almost 240 million. While Netflix was an amazing addition to our everyday lives it has had a negative impact on Blockbuster and movie theaters. This service has caused usage rates for Blockbuster to go down exponentially. 


    Next up, Facebook, commonly know now a days as the social media for parents and grandparents. However, this was not the intent while creating this social media platform. It was originally created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2003 as a platform for university students to rate people. Zuckerberg was a Harvard University student who wanted a place for other students to simply objectify each other by ranking who was hotter than others and he called it "Facemash". Now it has completely changed and gotten rid of all things including "the wall". It now is a center for keeping families in touch and mainly taken over by adults. In 2023, Facebook continues to be the largest social media platform and is now even know by the name Meta. 


Lastly, Tiktok, a short form video service that was formerly known as In 2017, the Chinese company, ByteDance, bought and created Tiktok. This is a video sharing platform that allows users to post videos anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 minutes long. This service has 1 billion monthly active users and this number is continuing to grow.  While Tiktok has gained so much popularity, there is still a lot of suspicion and negative things around the app. Many believe that this Chinese company is collecting our personal data and information. This has caused so many to be hesitant about downloading the app or continuing to use it. 

    I found this project so interesting and as I wrote about each platform I continued to look up new information to expand my knowledge on the topics and history of each technology.

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