Saturday, September 9, 2023

Blog Post #1: My Top Five News Sources    

    As a 20-year-old college student, I don't find myself going out of my way to search for news on what is going on in the world. I have never enjoyed reading, watching, or listening to the news unless, it is included in a short clip online. While I am not super proud of this, it is not something I am looking to change any time soon. I enjoy scrolling on TikTok and staying up to date on the drama online, including celebrities and influencers sometimes I will stumble across a video of something more relevant to the world. Due to this, I don't have many serious news outlets that I get stories from. My top five news sources would be TikTok, Google News, TMZ, Media Law Class, and Instagram.


    TikTok can be a touchy subject for many people, especially adults. This all stems from the simple fact that they don't trust it. While this can be understandable as it acts the same as Wikipedia, anyone anywhere can post information on any type of story. Whether they inform the audience about the sunken submarine or a famous couple breaking up, you don't know if the information is factual. However, this is what keeps it entertaining. The short clips hold the attention of our generation and give a brief synopsis of to topic on hand which is exactly what we need. Then it leaves it up to the audience if they would like to take a deeper dive into the story. For quick and easily understandable news TikTok is the one-stop shop. 

Google News

    Google News has an organized layout with so much to offer. As you have probably already picked up I love to find news quickly and easily, I lose interest fast. Because of this, Google News is great. When you click the link it simply takes you to a web page filled with headings of stories making it super simple to find something that spikes your interest. However, if that isn't working for you they have tabs along the top to create a specific news interest such includes, sports, health, world, and so on. This site has something to interest everyone!


    As I mentioned earlier I thoroughly enjoy staying up to date on pop-culture news and TMZ is one of the main places I get most of my celebrity news.  The headlines are always catching my attention as well as the photos that they use. According to TMZ, their site is "one of the most-cited entertainment news sources, utilized by national network and local newsgathering organizations across the country." Take a look at TMZ for all of your entertainment news needs.

Media Law and Literacy

    While this might sound like a silly addition to my top news list it's true. Professor Smith teaches in a way that interests me about the news. He is so passionate while talking about the news and the world around us that it makes me excited to learn. He has explained topics to me that I never understood before. While not all the news that we discuss is recent, that isn't a problem. Because looking back at older stories can be the building blocks of today's news.

Social Media

    Lastly, Social Media apps such as Instagram and Snapchat are constantly keeping me up to date with news. Snapchat especially works with other news companies like People Magazine and Cosmopolitan to post stories. This is great for people in high school and college because it is a simple way to stay up-to-date without even having to try. While posting photos and texting your friends occasionally you will stumble upon a news story. This keeps the younger generations in the loop of what might be happening around us while not making us go out of our way to find it. 

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