Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 Blog Post #6: Antiwar

   When I first got on to Antiwar.com I was overwhelmed by the abundance of information that I have never heard before. The main title that immediately caught my attention "For NYT, Cluster Munitions Are Completely Wrong- When Russians Use Them". Before even reading this article, the title insinuates that cluster munitions are acceptable unless it is Russians who are the one using them. However when the article came out on NYT they left out the part that shows that the US is okay with cluster Munitions. In this front page article on the New York Times the words "internationally banned" were used when describing cluster munitions. This article was posted in March of 2022 when the invasion of Ukraine was still new. Now, New York Times has posted multiple articles in July 2023 explaining how they will now be sending cluster munitions to Ukraine. 

    Why is this so concerning? In this first post that sparked this talk about Cluster Munitions NYT mentions that neither Ukraine or Russia are members in the treaty that bans cluster munitions. However, one very important detail was left out of this article. America is also not a member of the treaty that bans cluster munitions. This goes against our first amendment right as citizens, freedom of speech and freedom of press. Why are these journalists leaving out key information, why are they making other people sound like the bad guys when they are the ones with holding information. 

    When looking at The American Conservative, there was one article that stood out beyond the rest. "Yes, Social Media Censorship is a First Amendment Issue" this title relates back to what we have learned in previous classes. This article starts off with an engaging hook, causing me to keep reading. It dives deeper to say that the FBI is driving social media companies to get rid of all covid and election related news. How is this allowed? It shouldn't be. The government has messed up so many things to the point that we as a society don't even know what's going on around us because they hid everything. Citizens are simply loosing their First Amendment rights. 

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