Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Blog Post #8: Privacy Online

    It was extremely eye opening watching these Ted videos. The lack of privacy on our phones, computers, and everyday life is terrifying. While we have been told this over and over again that nothing is private. That we are not the only ones who have access to our search history, videos, texts, and emails. It is very difficult when watching these videos and how each speaker uses different ways to teach. 

    How do these issues effect me, my friends, and my family? For me and the people my age we have been raised in a world that revolves around technology and being online. My whole world is online from saving passwords to my aunts Facebook page it is no shock that anyone could find out anything they want about me. In the first video "Your Online Life is a Permanent Tattoo" that analogy resonated with me. This is because when you are a kid posting stupid videos and looking up silly things online you aren't thinking about how those videos could come up and haunt you in the future. But it is true, when something is put out on the internet it will be there forever as permanent as a tattoo. 

    What should the government be doing about this? Simple put, end it. However, I don't think that will ever happen. For example, over the summer, Google was sued for stealing personal data from millions of users without getting any consent, this data was gathered to help out AI. This company violated federal laws and owes billions of dollars in return. However, the government works with Google and if they request data then for legal reasons Google will share. So they work hand in hand. 

    Lastly, what can we do to protect ourselves from an invasion of privacy? While this question is hard to answer, because they will still get information on us no matter what, unless we get rid of all technology. The only thing you can do is be safe and think before you do things. Don't save passwords or card information in computers, cover cameras, never stay logged into accounts and always clear history. While these things might seem silly they are the only thing getting us closer to not having every aspect of our lives being saved. 

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